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Selection Policy for teams at the Madibaz Rugby Club

  1. Team selections are made after matches and before practices.
  2. Each team must have a selection panel.
  3. Selection Panel for each team consists of the
    • Coach
    • Team Manager
    • Team captain
    • Vice Captain/Senior Player
    • Head Coach
  1. The Head Coach has the casting vote in all the selection panels.
  2. Panel may not exceed four members.
  3. Players must be at practice to be eligible for matches except if excuse was made with the Head Coach.
  4. The only excuses that will be accepted are: Lectures, tests, sickness with a doctor’s certificate and death of a family member.
  5. Players returning from injury will be expected to play one match for a lower team before being eligible for the first team.
  6. Eastern Province players will go directly onto the bench of the first team for their first game back and can only be selected directly into the starting line up if there are injuries in the first team starting line up.
  7. Players are allowed to approach the panel with any grievances or inquiries regarding selection or lack there of.
  8. Players not attending matches will be drop to a lower side for 2 matches, without a hearing, before again being eligible for a higher side.
  9. Any and all irregularities can and should be reported to the Rugby Manager.
  10. Priority in selection will be given in the following order: First XV, u/21 XV, First Reserve XV, Second XV.
  11. Selection of the USSA and Top 8 Squads are made by the Head Coach and the First XV selection panel.